Dec. Consciousness Update Summary – “Conscious Completion and Clarity“

Dec. Consciousness Update Summary – “Conscious Completion and Clarity“

Written by Grandmother Jonette Crowley

I’m thrilled to welcome you to our December Consciousness Update. As we stand on the threshold of the year’s end, it’s a time of reflection, conscious completion, and the invitation to step into the clarity that awaits us in the upcoming journey. The months have seemingly slipped away, carrying with them profound lessons and transformative experiences.
Our focus for December revolves around two pivotal aspects: conscious completion and clarity. Let’s delve into these themes and explore the energies that guide us through this period of reflection and transition.

Celebrate the Journey of Completion

As we approach the culmination of the year, take a moment to celebrate the significance of your experiences, challenges, and triumphs. Journaling becomes a powerful tool during this time, allowing you to recognize the traumas you’ve healed, relationships you’ve cleared, and belief systems you’ve uplifted. Acknowledge your growth and transformation, and notice where you’ve stepped into your authentic self. Embrace the truth that you are no longer a victim but a victor on the path you’ve chosen.

Reflect on Ego-driven Identities

During the holiday season, examine the sources from which you derive your identity. Has it been rooted in possessions, external accomplishments, or the care you provide for others? Journaling will help unveil the aspects of your ego that may be driving your identity. Consider whether these egoic drivers align with your evolving self. This conscious reflection sets the stage for a contract renewal with your ego, paving the way for new beginnings in the coming year.

Embrace High Vibrational Energies

December brings forth an influx of high vibrational energies, facilitating conscious completion and expanded awareness. These energies will stir up any remaining aspects you may have been hesitant to confront. Seize this opportunity to view your relationships, including those with money and stress, with fresh eyes. Utilize the clarifying energies to make intentional decisions, breaking free from default modes. This month acts as a pivot point, encouraging you to discard what you’ve outgrown and embrace new directions for the transformative year ahead.

Joy as a Catalyst for Compassion

In this season of heightened energies, I encourage you to shift your perspective on compassion. We are moving away from a paradigm where compassion is instigated by suffering, toward one where compassion is sourced from joy. We must disengage compassion from suffering and struggle. Allow joy to be a guiding theme during this holiday season, celebrating the year without succumbing to guilt or stress.

A Shift in Perception

I’d like to share a personal revelation from a recent meditation journey. I witnessed the intricate beauty of the Flower of Life, a symbol of interconnectedness, pulsing with golden, infinite energy. This experience highlighted that we are just a shift in perception away from the profound reality of our interconnected existence. As we navigate this holiday month, embrace joy and become part of our infinite connectedness, radiating with oneness, love, and the beauty of our human experience.

Upcoming Events

As we prepare for the solstice on December 21st, marking the re-birth of light in the northern hemisphere, consider joining our third Trilogy of activations for a powerful Rebirth Portal:

Additionally, in January, our new MARK channeled class will delve into the transformative topic of Perception, a course MARK considers one of the most important in many years.
May your blessings radiate, and thank you for your service in this time of enlightenment. Blessings to you all!

Hear me present the full December Update on my YouTube channel, and subscribe there to get notified of monthly updates and more.

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#3 of the Transcendence Trilogy 

A Hawaiian Intiation with the Fire Goddess Pele
Friday, June 21
12pm MDT/20 CEST

#3 Solstice Icon Trancendence Trilogy

Fire Goddess Pele

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