January Consciousness Update Summary – 2024 “A New Foundation”

2024 Jan Consciousness Update (1200 x 630 px)

Hear me present the full January Update on my YouTube channel, and subscribe there to get notified of monthly updates and more.

Greetings to all who resonate with the energies of transformation and growth. As we bid farewell to 2023 and warmly welcome the embrace of 2024, I, Grandmother Jonette Crowley, bring forth insights from the realms beyond, guiding us through this pivotal time of transition.

A New Foundation: Moving Beyond Rebirth

MARK, my spiritual guide, has christened this year as the dawn of “A New Foundation.” Picture it: after the laborious process of rebirthing, we’re finally ready to build. Yet, let’s not dismiss the growing pains. We’re not merely evolving; we’re transitioning between worlds, crafting a new existence rooted in purpose and light.

Imagine a golden door beckoning us forward—a portal to a world where the old norms fall away. To draw on a metaphor MARK channeled two decades ago: while most have labored to improve the dilapidated shack where we’ve all been living; some of us have been out of sight, constructing a new and grand mansion for humanity. Now, 2024 signals our move from the shack’s confines to the vast expanse of this visionary mansion. But not all will heed this call; some find solace in familiarity, even if it’s disintegrating around them.

Two Worlds, One Destiny

Throughout this year, you may perceive a dichotomy: the old world squabbles within the confines of the decaying shack, while the visionaries amongst us craft the blueprints for a new world. Although it may seem like diverging universes, remember, it’s a shared journey. Eventually, this transformative energy extends beyond Earth, resonating with galactic waves of creation and light frequencies never experienced before.

Navigating the Storm: Key Principles

As we navigate this transformative phase, let’s anchor ourselves with a few guiding principles:

  1. Conscious Awareness: Navigate life with intentionality. Like when traversing a thorny path, recognize when you’ve labeled your surroundings as adversaries. Shift your perspective; “unenemy yourself“ from what is. Be without judgment. Embrace the role of co-creators in this grand tapestry.
  2. Spiritual Growth: Prioritize your spiritual evolution. Nurture your light body through holistic practices—mindful nutrition, meditation, yoga, and bask in the transformative energies cascading upon us. As these frequencies surge, they activate our consciousness, pushing us toward ascension.
  3. Embrace Change: Recognize that disruptions herald growth. Instead of clinging to outdated beliefs or past traumas, embrace this purification process. This year beckons us to evolve, to rewrite our narratives, and to ascend through our individual and collective journey.

Offerings for 2024

To support your spiritual odyssey, I’m delighted to introduce various programs:

  • MARK’s Perception Class: Embark on a transformative journey with the new course channeled from MARK: “Perception,” an exploration into the 12th dimension. This course promises more than teachings; it’s a gateway to profound transformation.
  • Monthly Meditation Series: Dive deep into “New Foundations,” a monthly meditation series designed to Strengthen your spiritual base and align with the higher frequencies bombarding us.
    Personal Sessions: Support your journey with personal sessions with me. One-on-one gives you answers, energies and breakthroughs more rapidly than you can imagine.
    Master’s Mentoring Program: Secure your spot in the 6-month Master’s Mentoring Program beginning in March, a deeply transformative experience designed for only 12 sojourners.
  • Special Activations: Join me for our Trilogy of Activations, including the “Year of the Dragon” activation on February 10th. (Not yet available for sale).
  • The Soul of Hawaii Spiritual Tour on the Big Island, focusing on the volcano energy at the June solstice.

In Conclusion

As we navigate 2024, remember your intrinsic power and light. You are not merely a spectator; you’re an active participant in this grand cosmic dance. Embrace this transformative phase with open arms, knowing you’re supported, loved, and cherished by the universe’s guides and masters.

Thank you for your dedication, courage, and unwavering spirit. Here’s to a magnificent 2024—a year of growth, ascension, and unparalleled transformation.

Blessings and light,

Grandmother Jonette Crowley

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#3 of the Transcendence Trilogy 

A Hawaiian Intiation with the Fire Goddess Pele
Friday, June 21
12pm MDT/20 CEST

#3 Solstice Icon Trancendence Trilogy

Fire Goddess Pele

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