Nov. Consciousness Update Summary – “Domination in the Foreground“

Nov 2023 Update (1200 × 630 px)

Written by Grandmother Jonette Crowley



Welcome to November, a month of shifting energies and the need for introspection. I’ve decided to delve into topic that has been looming in the foreground – domination. While we typically associate November with Thanksgiving and abundance, this month the theme is about recognizing and addressing power struggles, purification, and healing in the face of increasing polarization and inequality.

The Emergence of Higher Frequencies

My guide MARK is currently working with the 12th dimension, focusing on transcendence and purification. He speaks of higher frequencies emerging, akin to sunlight melting the metaphorical ice castles we’ve been constructing for so long. As these structures crumble, it’s crucial to embrace purification – the process of releasing, cleaning, and clearing away the embedded darkness we may not have noticed before.

Purification: A Wash, Rinse, and Repeat Cycle

Think of it like a wash-and-rinse cycle in a washing machine – you add detergent to separate dirt from fabric fibers. Now we can see the dirt. In our current state, it’s a continuous wash, rinse, and repeat cycle, revealing the deeply ingrained dirt within. The goal is to cleanse and clear without judgment. As the light intensifies, the darker elements are more visible; but remember, we are not in a battle between light and dark; we are witnessing in order to make different choices.

Power Struggles and the Victim-Anger Cycle

In this tumultuous period, we witness a recurring theme of power struggles and the victim-anger cycle, not only in the world at large but also within our personal lives. The ones who feel powerless often resort to domination and control as a reaction. Powerlessness can lead to the need to control and even abuse, a pattern we see playing out in various contexts, including global conflicts and mass shootings.

Healing Our Wounds

It’s essential to recognize that anger doesn’t cure the underlying wounds. When anger surfaces it reveals dysfunction within the one who is angry. In the evolving world of light, we cannot afford to be victims or perpetuate anger. Instead, this is an opportunity to look within and address where we have surrendered our power, or where we have our own power games. It is time to make new choices.

Opportunities for Transformation

This month and beyond, the focus should be on transcending the domination mindset and moving toward a higher state of being.

  • Embrace quiet moments,
  • Meditate,
  • Surrender the need for control,
  • Listen to your inner self,
  • Ask what spirit wants,
  • Cultivate gratitude.

The key is to break free from the domination, victim, and anger cycle, both in our individual lives and on a global scale.

Support and Upcoming Events

  1. Personal Readings: Schedule a session.
  2. MARK’s channeled Purification Course: MARK’s teachings are a powerful spiritual tool for these transformative times. You can jump in at any point and explore the Transcendence – Uncharted Realms course.
  3. Monthly Meditation Subscription: Join our monthly meditation with November’s focus on discovering What Does Spirit Want?
  4. Master’s Mentoring Class: If you’re ready for an in-depth spiritual journey, my Master’s Mentoring Class begins in March. Limited spots are available, so reserve your place early.
  5. Spiritual Tour to the Big Island of Hawaii: Join us in June for a unique journey working with the energy of fire and new creation.

In Conclusion

As we navigate these turbulent times, remember that you are on the right path, dedicated to your spiritual growth. Embrace the opportunities for transformation, transcend the domination mindset, and be the beacon of light that helps the world move towards a brighter future. Thank you for your commitment to your spiritual journey.

Hear me present the full November Update on my YouTube channel, and subscribe there to get notified of monthly updates and more.

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#3 of the Transcendence Trilogy 

A Hawaiian Intiation with the Fire Goddess Pele
Friday, June 21
12pm MDT/20 CEST

#3 Solstice Icon Trancendence Trilogy

Fire Goddess Pele

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