September Consciousness Update Summary – “A Hard Reset”

September 2023 Conscousness Update

Written by Grandmother Jonette Crowley


Here are some insights and wisdom as we embark on our journey through September 2023, a time I’m calling a “hard reset” for our consciousness. Just as when our computer quits working and we need to do a forced quit, we are now invited to shut down all the external input and WAIT. This is a time for slowing down, repositioning our priorities and focusing inward.

Understanding the Planetary Alignments

Let’s acknowledge the unique astrological backdrop of this month. We find ourselves in a situation where six planets are in retrograde. Now, let me clarify something: I’m no astrologer, but the importance of retrograde motion cannot be overlooked. It calls us to turn our gaze inward, offering a precious opportunity to realign with our inner essence. This shift from external to internal focus is a reminder that true growth always springs from within.

From External Survival to Self-Expression

Let’s discuss the bigger shift that all of us are going through, as we move from a world founded on survival, to a focus on self-expression and creation. I’ve called 2023 the “Year for Leadership“. It’s a time when you are encouraged to step out of you own shadows and begin questioning the norm. Instead of blindly following the expectations of your past, it’s a moment for you to explore your uniqueness and let your true self shine through. It starts with asking some fundamental questions about: “Who am I?” and, “What is my purpose?”

Instead of perpetually seeking external validation and answers, I invite you to look within, to embrace your unique expressions, and let your authenticity radiate out… thereby changing energetic possibilities for the world. Give yourself time this month to pick up that journal that sits empty in your bed stand, and just start writing about what is important to you? How do you want our world to be?
Create from new, pure intentions, rather than merely correcting what has been wrong in the past.

Understanding Our ‘Worry’ Programming

Last week I had a personal revelation when I had fallen into a familiar pattern of worry. A very clear voice said: “You are programmed to worry”. I realized then that worry isn’t an emotion found in young children or in the world of nature.

That stopped me in my tracks. Really? A program? I can change that! So here’s the empowering part: We have the power to change these patterns. By acknowledging our programming, we gain the ability to release it and find greater peace.

The Call to Awakening

We are in the midst of a collective awakening—a shift from a disconnected, divisive world to one characterized by unity and oneness. As the Earth’s frequencies continue to rise, they stir us from our metaphorical cocoons, much like the sun awakening a butterfly. Together, we contribute to a positive shift in consciousness.

The Earth’s Healing and Shedding Darkness

During a profound hypnosis session last month, I witnessed the Earth rapidly shedding darkness, releasing pent-up negative energies and traumas. I can only describe this process as a cosmic vacuum cleaner, working to heal the Earth and all its inhabitants.

In the hypnosis, I journeyed to the top of Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Andes, where I saw a vision of 6 Masters opening up an energy portal on the mountaintop that spewed out and released negativity and darkness from throughout the Earth. I was moved to tears watching the HUGE cleansing that we are all a part of.

I saw that higher dimensional beings have been maintaining Earth’s portals for eons. Many of these portals were previously blocked to humans because of our inability to handle the power they allow. Now, these portals are opening, releasing pent-up energies and accelerating the planet’s healing.

Our Role as Portals for Awakening

It’s important to understand that WE are portals for this awakening. Our magnetism is changing as we align with our true selves. During meditation we can experience a different quality of being, signaling our role as activated portals.

I’d like to emphasize that the Oneness field, which connects us to all things, has been inaccessible to humans because of our lack of spiritual maturity. However, as more individuals awaken and embrace wisdom, this field is opening up, allowing us to access a non-personal, non-specific wisdom deeply intertwined with the power we’ve been missing.

A Call for a Hard Reset

Let this message serve as a reminder of the profound shifts happening within and around us. It’s a call for all of us to embrace this time as an opportunity for growth, self-discovery, and healing. As we navigate the energies of September and beyond, may we remember our role as portals for awakening and so contribute to the positive transformation of our world.

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