A meditation channeled from ~MARK~

(Note: Just 5 minutes reading this with intention will help you feel instantly magnificent and connected to the Luminous Ones. Enjoy!)

Welcome, Beloved Ones, this is Mark.  We have come from Rays of the Brotherhood of White, the Solar Sisterhood, to welcome you again to your family.

Golden lightYou have traveled eons alone in the darkness of forgetting, and now the rays of recognition lift you into more than your humanity, into your divinity— and from that divinity — to serve the rest of your brothers and sisters.  YOU are leaders in growth and leaders in service.  You have come from many experiences, from different lifetimes hard and easy.  You have come with the ancestors of many tribes in your blood, and yet you have come with a golden light that has pulled you here, and for that, we honor you.

We are preparing now a gathering of remembering— a gathering of remembering your mission, your energies, your birthright. In so doing you unloosen the forgetting of the world.  The darkness is dispelled by remembering the Light.  Do not worry about the darkness that seems to have taken hold of this world.  It is nothing but frozen light, and with warmth and love, acceptance, it expands to be the one Light.

There is a gathering assembled on the inner planes, assembling for centuries waiting for you to come. We ask you to let the veils thin.  Let your heart speak its truth, allowing forgetting of the illusions to happen.  Allow your smallness and the smallness of humanity to fall away so that for yourselves and your kin you can claim Light…

…Now, feel a sense of building joy and a sense of community.  As you gather with the other Luminous Ones who are your friends and gather with unmet friends around the world, feel the sense of celebration.  Embrace this Light and feel yourself connecting to souls all around the world.  In your Light you call them here too, for you are doing this for all the people who don’t yet know how.  Call them here.  They are as Light and as great as you.  Feel the sense of joy, of gratitude, of celebration grow as this realm of the Luminous Ones becomes more filled with luminous healing. Hold a beautiful space for a divine awakening.

Open now your crown chakra to see if there is any additional energy or wisdom to be given to you in this realm of the Luminous Ones.  You will always be here, but you may not focus on it.  Please open your crown chakra now for any wisdom, energy, Light, and grace to come into you.  Then spend the next few minutes being in the new place you’ve created. Be in your body.  Bring your body to this state with your luminous place so you feel integrated and whole, stable in the new way.  Stabilize yourself holographically through the Universe, so that it’s easier for you to carry — without even noticing it – the light, the wisdom, the Luminous Brotherhood, the Mastery in your being.

Come more and more into your body to a new kind of grounding, gently coming back.  May all your journeys will fit together in a most magical way!

Thank you and blessings.

(CopyRight 2014 www.JonetteCrowley.com)

9th Dimension CD‘Mark’ is a cosmic being channeled by Jonette since 1989. His goal is to lift humanity above the structures of our 3-D consciousness. “Your reality is a reflection of your level of consciousness.” He leads weekly recorded courses introducing us experientially to the higher dimensions of awakening. This is exploration at the very edges of human spiritual awareness. There is nothing like these on-going courses for expansion and transformation. To get a taste of ‘Mark’ for free, go to our ‘Listening and Viewing Room.’ Click here to order current or past Mark courses as audio links, CD’s, or simply get the transcripts.

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