MARK channeled by Jonette Crowley

Note: In this channeled transcript MARK is sometimes referring to our current work—the new course series The 9th Dimension—Treasures from Beyond, Part I, and the MARK Intensive International Retreat that is open to all, Sept. 12-15 in the Netherlands.

Welcome. This is Mark.

Mark 1We like the name MARK Intensive. You think intensive means heavy or difficult. We remind you that intensive means intention. Two years ago in the Mark Intensive you began to work with an avatar—a projection of yourself at the higher planes that would be able to go into dimensions that you as an Earth-based being cannot go. This work with avatars will increase so that you have the ability to know many multiple avatars. You do not have to know what they’re doing but they work in conjunction with the evolution of you in all your lifetimes and all humanity and all their lifetimes. These avatars are busy smoothing the path for you, bringing in intelligence, wisdom and support for you, bringing in magical synchronicities for you. The avatars aren’t necessarily singular either so you might talk about an avatar or multiple avatars but it’s more avatar multiplied.

You will also work a great deal with Mother Earth. The electromagnetic field of Mother Earth is in danger. Your ability to use advanced states of consciousness—while helping yourself individually because we never ask you to come to a class that’s just to help others—will be of great support to the rebalancing of the electromagnetic grid of the Earth.

In many ways we see the course as a reboot so that areas where humanity’s consciousness has been stuck, the computer gets turned off, turned back on, and a new state is applied.

The gifts that you will be working within the new course The 9th Dimension: Treasures from Beyond will begin to set up the treasures that are accessed in the Mark Intensive. Part I of this course is very much in partnership with the Mark Intensive. Gifts to you over the next few months will be an unhooking from the causes of trauma and drama in your life. The buttons get smaller or disappear. There will be a real sense of support from other humans and the cosmos, more real than you’ve ever felt it.

There will be a gift of more space in your mind and more divine reason. Your reason has been co-opted by fear generally and part of the goal of some of these gifts in the next few months will be to have your reason serve your enlightenment not your fear.  Enlightenment is getting closer. It is not an end point. It is merely a sped-up escalator. Many of you are moving onto that faster escalator.

We remind you that compassion and neutrality are important, because as you move on this heightened speedier escalator of enlightenment, you will see a lot more darkness as you pass quickly on your way. If you are drawn into that darkness because you have not worked with forgiveness, neutrality and non-judgment, you’ll fall off that speedy escalator and it’s not an easy first step. Divine forgiveness, deep forgiveness, forgiveness that is not righteous, forgiveness that releases rather than judges will be called for at all levels especially neutralizing and forgiving the thoughts you have about yourself.

The Golden Plasma State
12995494_mThe golden plasma state of being is closer than we dreamed it would be. Give yourself quiet time. In that time let your spirit direct your meditation. Let your spirit direct your emptiness. Sometimes you may do things in your meditation. Sometimes you may just fall into an extraordinary emptiness. The quickening that you experienced today (referring to Class 8 of the 9th Dimension Part III) as some of the stress was stripped from your body is preliminary to building this golden plasma body. It’s different than a light body. It is the light body integrated or conjoined with the physical body. As we see it, you are heating up. We will be quiet and let this natural process, an internal inferno, golden plasma, light that isn’t light becoming embodied in you now.

In this space of the entrance of this golden plasma state allow yourself to know the 9th dimension in a new way—that somehow a greater part of you is opening up, and somehow you can be on many dimensions, many realities simultaneously; and you are beautifully balanced, even more beautifully whole. You can’t follow the specifics but something changes and you allow yourself to be upgraded.

Allow yourself to feel gentle. Quietly and infinitely balanced. 

Imagine that being aware of all realities allows you to go beyond reality into the intrinsic Oneness, the All Knowingness that gave birth to the realities. Allow yourself to know that space from inside it. Asking yourself what if this is the next step for enlightenment, the falling away of your neediness and your wants, your fears, your separation. What if this could be that moment?

The space that you’re in now can help you detect truth. From this clarity you can sense that which is true, that which is a manipulation of truth. Let this place be comfort to you so that true always rises to the top for you. Let your guidance and your choices come from this space.

We beg you to allow your life to be a true expression of your divinity. Really see your life as a full expression of your divinity without compromise.

We and the others of the Brotherhood of Light stand in awe of the human expression of the divine principle. We certainly hope you’re prepared for miracles of all sizes. For now, with great appreciation, we call to a close our first series in the 9th dimension. You are magnificent students! 

We thank you. This is Mark.

This excerpt is taken from the channeled course: 9th Dimension – Part III – The New World, Class 8 – Martyrs to Saints & Golden Plasma. To order this course on CD’s, audio downloads or transcripts, click here.

(CopyRight 2015

Treasures 1 CD cover‘Mark’ is a cosmic being channeled by Jonette since 1989. His goal is to lift humanity above the structures of our 3-D consciousness. “Your reality is a reflection of your level of consciousness.” He leads weekly recorded courses introducing us experientially to the higher dimensions of awakening. This is exploration at the very edges of human spiritual awareness. There is nothing like these on-going courses for expansion and transformation. To get a taste of ‘Mark’ for free, go to our ‘Listening and Viewing Room.’ Click here to order current or past Mark courses as audio links, CD’s, or simply get the transcripts.

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