Don't miss this exciting episode of "Journeys with Jonette" on the Awakening Zone Internet Radio!
Secret Stargates of Crete!
Thursday Feb. 28th at Noon CST
Jonette's special guest will be Vanda Osmon. Vanda is spiritual sacred site historian, researcher, and co-founder of Quest for Atlantis on Bimini. She created Joy Travel specializing in sacred journeys for soul, providing opportunities to see, feel and explore Earth mysteries. Her extraordinary knowledge of ancient secrets allows her to ‘connect the dots’ giving a global perspective for the meaning and purpose of sacred sites. She helps Jonette create journeys to Egypt, Malta, Greece, Transylvania and Turkey.
Vanda and Jonette will discuss using the new possibilities of 2013 to work with the Earth’s Grid Keepers and unlocking energies that have been blocked for thousands of years. One very important interdimensional portal can be accessed in Crete. It is a place where knotted energy meridians and timelines can be released and the stargate reversed.
The same blockage nearly caused the ruin of Earth during the destruction of Atlantis. This will free up a blast of power to be used for peace and good throughout the world.
White Eagle’s channeled perspective on this will be explained.
This all ties in with the Three Part Global Spiritual Mission that begins in Greece/Crete in April and continues in Turkey and Israel. For related post click here.
Email or call 303 689-9318 for more details.