The 8th Dimension

Listen to the First Class for Free

MARK - Your quantum guide to expanding and integrating into the higher dimensions

Join MARK as your cosmic travel guide, training you to understand and experience Quantum Consciousness at a level that is both deeply personal and profound.

As Jonette holds the energetic space, MARK teaches by taking you to extraordinary states of grounded expansion, then explaining where you’ve been. Most journeys are beyond words, re-wiring you to be aware of vast dimensions outside of the ordinary.

These classes are truly on the cutting edge of consciousness. 

Begin with whichever Series you feel drawn to, but listen to the courses and classes in order.

MARK Classes

By the Numbers...

4 Series in the 8th Dimension
3 Courses in a Series
8 Classes in a Course
2.5 Hours per Class

Held Mondays on Zoom
Includes the audio recordings

Class Format

Part 1
Jonette's Overview and Comments
MARK channeled meditation #1
Group Comments and Q&A

Part 2
MARK channeled meditation #2
Group Comments and Q&A
Jonette Closing Comments & Announcements

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8th Dimension Series #4


Creation is the ultimate goal of the grounded, awakened, self-realized human. You will move from hoping and praying to deciding and creating. The Universe creates through you. This series will rapidly unplug, unknot and dissolve obstacles to flow. Esoterically speaking, it is the graduation from being Priests and Priestesses to being Gods and Goddesses. People will experience a tsunami of possibilities-- and they must be grounded in Love, Wisdom, and Power. The Universal Fire will shine through creative hearts. Creation isn’t anything like being creative: it is about manifesting worlds! The tide is turned—humanity cannot be meek. CREATION allows slaves to become Masters.

Creation 2

Part II: Manifesting Creation

Manifesting Creation Part II Class 1: Attunement for Manifestation


Part III: Creation in Service

Creation in Service Part III Class 1: Step One To Service

8th Dimension Series #3


Not only are we standing up to hold more of the power that is our cosmic right, but by so doing we are creating a new reality of empowerment. From our multidimensional perspective, what was impossible before is magically occurring. If you are ready to really know what you only thought you knew, then join Mark, channeled by Jonette, as your cosmic travel guide, training you to experience Quantum Consciousness.


Part I: Beyond The Limits

Beyond The Limits Part I Class 1: From Carbon To Diamonds

The focus in POWER Part II will be:
Not only are we standing up to hold more of the power that is our cosmic right, but by so doing we are creating a new reality of empowerment. From our multidimensional perspective, what was impossible before is magically occurring. If you are ready to really know what you only thought you knew, then join Mark, channeled by Jonette, as your cosmic travel guide, training you to experience Quantum Consciousness.

Part II: A New Reality of Empowerment

A New Reality of Empowerment Part II Class 1: This Is Awakening

power 3

Part III: Awakening Your Gifts Of Power

Awakening Your Gifts Of Power Part III Class 1: Power on Victimization & Transforming Forgiveness

8th Dimension Series #2


Gnosis’ is the Greek word for knowing. In this course trilogy we explore our personal connection to divine wisdom. You will learn and practice the pathways into the different doorways of knowing. The focus is on getting your own answers and trusting your guidance. You will learn to use your multidimensional skills to interact with your own Akashic records.

Wisdom Part 1

Part I: Accessing Personal Records

Accessing Personal Records Part I Class 1: Opening Your Personal Channel

Wisdom2 CD

Part II: Interpersonal Wisdom

Interpersonal Wisdom Part II Class 1: Reconfiguring Communications


Part III: Universal Wisdom

Universal Wisdom Part III Class 1: Wild World of MARK

8th Dimension Series #1


In this series, we open star gates, portals, connecting points between earth beings and other beings, other civilizations, other life forms in a way that supports the earth in the fullest and the most loving way. The earth has broken away from the reality where love is everything, and we are living in a desert of love where even self-love is a struggle. The theme is love, and it is rewiring our ability to be Love, not emotionally, but as part of the life force of the Universe. You don’t know Love until you feel its 8th-dimensional or Quantum aspects.

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