The 9th Dimension

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MARK - Your quantum guide to expanding and integrating into the higher dimensions

Join MARK as your cosmic travel guide, training you to understand and experience Quantum Consciousness at a level that is both deeply personal and profound.

As Jonette holds the energetic space, MARK teaches by taking you to extraordinary states of grounded expansion, then explaining where you’ve been. Most journeys are beyond words, re-wiring you to be aware of vast dimensions outside of the ordinary.

These classes are truly on the cutting edge of consciousness. 

Begin with whichever Series you feel drawn to, but listen to the courses and classes in order.

MARK Classes

By the Numbers...

3 Series in the 9th Dimension
3 Courses in a Series
8 Classes in a Course
2.5 Hours per Class

Held Mondays on Zoom
Includes the audio recordings

Class Format

Part 1
Jonette's Overview and Comments
MARK channeled meditation #1
Group Comments and Q&A

Part 2
MARK channeled meditation #2
Group Comments and Q&A
Jonette Closing Comments & Announcements

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9th Dimension Series #3

Playing In The Unified Field

We learn by exploring the greater possibilities that surround us. The field of the MARK group is solid enough to support our expansion into the mystical realities of the quantum world. We experience the very essence of being; together learning to manifest greater realities.

Part I: Multi-Dimensional Awareness - Class 1

In this part we will fine-tune our skills in the dimensions of multiple manifest realities, making it possible for us to choose and navigate in the quantum realms. Our consciousness is expanded, enabling unforeseen gifts and life-changing experiences.

Multi-Dimensional Awareness Part I Class 1: Multidimensional Light Body

Part II: Multi-Dimensional Service - Class 1

We strengthen our Multi-dimensional skills by moving more fully into service, assisting others as the Masters have helped us. Playing in the Master’s field upgrades our skills, our Light, and our power. In the past, such skills required death as the entry ticket. Now you begin to serve as Masters by continuing to awaken your multi-dimensional awareness.

Multi-Dimensional Service Part II Class 1: Rededication to Mastery and Service & Perpetual Prayer Space

Part III: Bridging into the 10th Dimension - Class 1

An exploration of an unbounded nature; the bridge between the 9th dimension and 10th dimensions. You’ll notice more the space between, rather than events in time. Because the world is changing, the focus is on service and a few repair missions from the higher dimensions. You will work directly with extraterrestrials in service.

Bridging into the 10th Dimension Part II Class 1: Universal Flawless Self & Enlightenment Explained

9th Dimension Series #2

Treasures From Beyond

Part I: Practical Integration of Multi-dimensionality - Class 1

This series is about the integration of your spiritual explorations and your personal life, opening concrete and practical gifts for yourself and others. Why? Because this is essential for humanity now. We will continue working with creating the New World and helping you be the bridges as the New Divine Human. You will have projects in this series that will assist with cohesive evolution on Earth.

Practical Integration of Multi-dimensionality Part I Class 1: Body as a Super Computer & Flower of Life Synthesizer

Part II: Being Your Quantum Self - Class 1

This continues the deepening integration of how our multi-dimensional self can enrich our lives and build our New World. Among our explorations we will find the 'quantum nodes'-- entrance points to meet and work with the Quantum Children who are now being born. MARK will guide us to use the 9th dimension to tap into a deep reservoir of cosmic calm, important in these times of crisis in the world.

Being Your Quantum Self Part II Class 1: Nodes and Ascension & We are Evolutionaries

Part III: Awakening - Class 1

We will continue more explorations of multiple realities and the 9th dimension.

  • Opening to the patterns that underlie the design of the Universe
  • Explore the Stargate that is the ‘First Ring of Destiny’– Truth
  • Open your pineal gland and right brain to access higher dimensions
  • Calibrating as needed with crystal skulls

Awakening Part III Class 1: Clearing Out The Subconscious and Awakening

9th Dimension Series #1

9th Dimension

'MARK' leads us to experience the interconnectedness between multiple realities through all time and space. Move from the zero point of Quantum consciousness to a new world of manifestation — spontaneously opening the doors to what was impossible before. This dimension is truly the next step in Universal Beingness.

Part I: Accessing Multiple Parallel Realities - Class 1

By being aware and interconnected, a piece of your awareness exists everywhere. That awareness becomes a beacon to find anything, to know anything, to be unlimited. Your greater mind becomes recalibrated. You pull in aspects of your Higher Self to organize this awareness into something that has been invisible to you until now.

Accessing Multiple Parallel Realities Part I Class 1: Balance the Key

Part II: Exploring Dreamtime - Class 1

Accessing all time / all space brings us to the doorway of ‘Dreamtime’ and walking between worlds. This course teaches us the skills the ancient masters and shamans have always used to go beyond our reality, bringing back gifts from other times and worlds.

Exploring Dreamtime Part II Class 1: Immersion in Dreamtime & Blessings, Joy & Bliss

Part III: The New World - Class 1

When you realize that your being is not just yours, you have transcended into the Universal. It happens when you give up your addiction to your small identity.  It is the realm of elders, of saints where you operate at a much more universal flow. You relate, not as an individual but as a Universal Being.

The New World Part II Class 1: Connecting to Sidhe & Creating a New World

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