What would Jesus DoIn the Christian community there has been a movement to ask yourself “What would Jesus do?” before saying something or taking an action. I find it’s a good guide to live by.

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Some years ago a woman I knew…the artist who did the White Eagle painting that I use “Through the Portal”, called me from a mental hospital. I hadn’t seen or heard from her in years. She was an acquaintance, not a friend. She requested if she could stay with us for a few days as she needed a place to go in order to be discharged from the hospital. Her sister couldn’t take her in. I hesitated… I really didn’t know her or her mental condition. In that momentary silence, the question: “What would Jesus do?” came to my mind. Considering the question, I answered the only thing I could have… “Of course.”

She arrived ragged, unkept and unwashed. She was grateful and kind. Evidently she had been homeless, living in her car for some time, endlessly walking the aisles of a grocery store, talking to her voices.

Once we got her settled she said, “Oh, I have something in my car I’ve been carrying around. I’ll give it to you.”

I couldn’t begin to imagine what it might be. She returned with a large, framed watRobin2ercolor of a robin in an autumn tree—a beautiful piece that she had painted in her better years.

Humbly I accepted the unexpected gift. The Universe might have been thanking me for acting favorably on the question: “What would Jesus do?” (WWJD?)

The painting hangs proudly over my mantle, reminding me that what I receive is always so much more than what I give.

WWJD? Came up last month in response to a young woman’s question during an Oracle reading. “I’d like to get a tattoo. Should I get a cross or lotus flower?” The question “What would Jesus do?” immediately came to mind. “Get a lotus,” was my answer. I felt quite sure that Jesus wouldn’t wear a cross.

While I thought about it, Jesus would probably be appalled if he popped into the middle of the Vatican today. (I’m happy that at least to some extent we appear to have a Pope who is asking himself that question.)

So, what would Jesus do?

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Soul Alignment Trilogy #1

Attune to the powerful spiritual gateway of rare 7-planet alignment and experience the beneficial powers of all the planets.

#1 Gifts from the Stars

"Gifts from the Stars"

Friday, February 28 on Zoom

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