Activations as Catalysts

Think of them as a kick in the butt from your spirit to move you more confidently forward. Initially you may not even feel an activation, as more often than not they operate in the realm of knowing rather than sensing.

  • You walk differently
  • You are more clear
  • More decisive
  • You hold a quiet calmness

A lion‘s eyes are forward. Always focused on his goal. His prey, eyes on the side of its head, is continually vigilant, watching to see what the herd does. We were built to look forward and move powerfully with purpose.



I am writing about activations because I’ve had a slew of them recently: in Stonehenge, reactivating a sun disc in Avebury, an Excalibur activation (that I’m now including in my workshops). Last month we activated a golden sun discin Transylvania. Then in Cyprus a goddess activation of Aphrodite awaited...


As these events quicken my vibration, bringing in a new alchemy, my intent is that they get transmitted to you so that you receive them in your own way. You don’t have to traipse around the world. It can happen in the swift thrust of clarity when you’re connecting to nature, or an energy impulse that brings tears to your eyes as you meditate.

You’ll get some of these transmissions directly through our monthly meditations, in the July live-stream workshops from Denver, and in our fall events in Europe.

The activations coming this year have more than power. They carry a harmonizing affect that instantly reformats what was unsettled into a higher pattern of beauty and comprehension. Each activation lifts you to a new level of understanding and being.

Let’s all be self-activating and make the most of this year... together! What could be more fun?

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#3 of the Transcendence Trilogy 

A Hawaiian Intiation with the Fire Goddess Pele
Friday, June 21
12pm MDT/20 CEST

#3 Solstice Icon Trancendence Trilogy

Fire Goddess Pele

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