Jonette Crowley's Blog

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Nov 2023 Update (1200 × 630 px)

Nov. Consciousness Update Summary – “Domination in the Foreground“

Embrace the opportunities for transformation, transcend the domination mindset, and be the beacon of light for a brighter future.

Pluto and the Patriarchy Now

Pluto and the Patriarchy Now

Pluto is in its final stages in Capricorn, the sign of power and control. This has led to upheaval and destruction in many areas of society. Its move into Aquarius in 2024 will bring innovation and equality.

AU 10-14-2023

Rare Opportunity to Upgrade Relationships: Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse

Oct. 14 Libra Solar Eclipse will bring any dysfunctional dynamics to the forefront to help you be brave and have the conversations you’ve been avoiding.

October 2023 Conscousness Update

October Consciousness Update Summary – “A Call to Detox”

October is a month of purification and detox. We are encouraged to cleanse ourselves at all levels, from our physical bodies to our emotional and mental states.

Fall Equinox 2023

Fall Equinox & Beginning of Libra Season

The Fall Equinox on September 23 is in the sign of Libra, with an emphasis particularly on balance. You’re being asked to re-evaluate your current relationships.

September 2023 Conscousness Update

September Consciousness Update Summary – “A Hard Reset”

September is a time “hard reset” for our consciousness as we move from survivalmode to focus on self-expression and creation.

August 2023 Conscousness Update

August Consciousness Update – Summary “Playing with Time”

August is a month of opportunity and disruption, as we are invited to view time from a new vantage point and embrace our potential for personal transformation.

Jonette Crowley

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Founder of The Center for Creative Consciousness.  Author of Soul Body Fusion®, The Eagle & The Condor. Jonette is a Modern Day Mystic - a Channel, Oracle & Shaman. She is known as the "Spiritual Indiana Jones" for her travels around the world teaching workshops and leading tours to sacred places. 

Learn more
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